Welcome to the Quote of the Day! This site originated in a small, special education, high school classroom and we talk about these quotes each morning on school days. We'll share our thoughts, feelings, and personal values as we explore the words of others. We look forward to hearing your thoughts as well. If you have a quote that you would like to see used, please send it to: michelle(dot)nvs(at)gmail(dot)com (all lower case).
Life itself is a learning process.
The more we (humans) learn - the more we know how much MORE there is yet to learn!
So long as we're alive...
Brings to mind the idea of multiple intelligences~
Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"):
bullet Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart")
bullet Spatial intelligence ("picture smart")
bullet Bodily-Kinesthetic
intelligence ("body smart")
bullet Musical intelligence ("music smart")
bullet Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart")
bullet Intra personal intelligence ("self smart")
bullet Naturalist intelligence ("nature smart")
I learn something new everyday of my life.
I really should use preview more often. Bullet! :)
then I guess that death is the Off-Time.
It gives me pause to realize how much I don't know that I don't know.
Only a fool believes he has nothing to learn.
No matter how much you learn, there is something yet to be learned. Even the wisest man in the world could learn something new every day.
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