Welcome to the Quote of the Day! This site originated in a small, special education, high school classroom and we talk about these quotes each morning on school days. We'll share our thoughts, feelings, and personal values as we explore the words of others. We look forward to hearing your thoughts as well. If you have a quote that you would like to see used, please send it to: michelle(dot)nvs(at)gmail(dot)com (all lower case).
I've always thought that we learn more through our mistakes than we do through our successes.
Making mistakes is a healthy part of living and we shouldn't beat ourselves up over them.
Live & learn... to err is human.
Only if a person recognizes the portal to Discovery and not the portal to Self Deprication.
to err is human, but to really screw things up requires a computer!
Billy Joel said it well in his song "You're Only Human (Second Wind)", "you'll learn more from your accidents Than anything that you could ever learn at school."
Of course, that should mean that I'm a genius by now :-)
Thomas Edison said it took him two hudred times to make the carbon filament in a light bulb, and only one way to do it right. The other two hundred was were just ways of how not to make a light bulb
I have found there is just 1 procedure to look thin, spend time with fat people.
Quotes of the day
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