"The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities."
Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC)
Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC)
Welcome to the Quote of the Day! This site originated in a small, special education, high school classroom and we talk about these quotes each morning on school days. We'll share our thoughts, feelings, and personal values as we explore the words of others. We look forward to hearing your thoughts as well. If you have a quote that you would like to see used, please send it to: michelle(dot)nvs(at)gmail(dot)com (all lower case).
We can't run nor hide from ourselves. ~
"Where Ever You Go, There You Are
~ John Kabot-Zinn
Yet how often do we try to run from ourselves.
It is pretty sobering to realize that we do make all the choices that determine our lives - however it is quite liberating when we accept this, and start living our lives on purpose.
i am taking 5 mg of lexapro to help me rediscover while getting past adversities.
Take responsibility for our own actions? That is a concept that truly seems to be fading more and more with each generation.
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