"The opportunity for brotherhood presents itself every time you meet a human being."
Jane Wyman (1914 - )
Jane Wyman (1914 - )
Welcome to the Quote of the Day! This site originated in a small, special education, high school classroom and we talk about these quotes each morning on school days. We'll share our thoughts, feelings, and personal values as we explore the words of others. We look forward to hearing your thoughts as well. If you have a quote that you would like to see used, please send it to: michelle(dot)nvs(at)gmail(dot)com (all lower case).
It is our choice, and we are given the opportunity to choose, every day what relationship we have with every person we meet. Brother or enemy - what do you choose?
so long as both are willing for it to be so.. ...
amen to that. I use those opportunities whenever I can. You never know how you are going to be able to enhance or receive in any situation. open your mind to possibilities.
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