Friday, April 27, 2007

"The first duty of love is to listen."

Paul Tillich (1886-1965)


Blogger Michelle said...

Listening also involves hearing what is not said out loud - paying attention to body language and responding instead of ignoring.

I'm almost bothered by the word "duty" being a part of love but as I think about it I can also see how the ones that we love are so frequently the ones that we take for granted so, perhaps, we really should be more mindful of our duties and obligations to those that we care about.

9:11 AM  
Blogger Mike Carter said...

I find it interesting today in that we are doing more and more communicating without those parts that are said to make up the majority of our communications. Body language and tone all disappear on message boards, blogs, instant messaging and emails (as well as the books!).

Listening is a duty, but rather than it being an obligation (which I take as having a negative context) I see it as a privilege. It is a gift you give one you love, and sometimes can be the most precious gift you ever give them.

10:24 AM  
Blogger teresa said...

... without passing judgment.

When someone is willing honestly express their innermost self, handle it with care.

5:02 AM  

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